I started this illustration not long after the birth of my son, back in 2019.
It’s taken me quite a while to finish it - I blame the intricacy of those Jean Paul Gaultier ruffles - but it feels somewhat fitting to be finally sharing it now, in a COVID-19 world.
If anyone exemplifies the position we find ourselves in right now, it’s Alice. As we all sit at home in self-isolation we’re turning to books, films, music, games; anything to stir our curiosity and escape the reality of the outside world and this virus. So, what better time to fall down the rabbit hole?
Pig + Pepper is a somewhat forgotten chapter of Alice’s story as it’s often left out of film and animated adaptations. But the story goes thusly; Alice finds herself walking into a scene of complete chaos at the home of the Duchess. A cook with a predilection for far too much pepper is involved in quite a violent display with the Duchess herself, throwing pots and plates around the room, while a baby screams incessantly from the Duchess’ lap, in protest perhaps of the lullaby she’s singing, shaking it violently at the end of every verse. All the while pepper floats through the air causing everyone to sneeze. Still with me?
Alice then snatches the wailing baby from the Duchess and runs away from the house. The baby’s cries turn to grunts, and suddenly it transforms into a pig before her very eyes! Why? I don’t know…it’s Wonderland. *shrugs*
It’s certainly not my first take on Alice, and probably not my last. But, as soon as I saw this cascading confection on the runway during Jean Paul Gaultier’s Spring 2019 couture collection, I knew I just HAD to dress our beloved Alice in it. It’s so her, no? Just add a tiny Prada head band and set.
I also had to include a tiny little nod to the door mouse. Squint and you might see it!
I think the Mad Hatter’s tea party could be calling my name…
Anyway, I hope you like it, and I hope you’re all doing your best to stay healthy, happy, and curious in these crazy times!
BIG LOVE to everyone out there on the front lines, risking their health to save others. THANK YOU x